WHEREAS the result of the Amendment, hereinafter called JPCA, will increase crime throughout Bexar County, and
WHEREAS there is no justice for crime victims in the justice charter only protection from
prosecution and non-justice for criminals, and
WHEREAS criminals would learn from implementation of the JPCA that it is not important to respect personal property, and
WHEREAS it will lead to duplication of duties and waste of taxpayer dollars in the form of the
Justice Director position, and
WHEREAS more misleading efforts of inclusion, diversity, allowing lawless behavior, and identity
special privilege will be promoted at tax payer expense, and
WHEREAS the ban on no-knock warrants which is already in effect and practiced
in San Antonio and its other policies will confuse the public and inhibit the ability of law
enforcement to arrest criminals and lead to a less secure and safe community throughout Bexar
County, and
WHEREAS implementation of “cite and release” policy will encourage more, not less, criminal activities throughout Bexar County, and
WHEREAS the elimination of marijuana enforcement is a Texas state issue and will be illegal until
it is changed at the state level. The JPCA will encourage illegal behavior with impunity throughout
Bexar County, and
WHEREAS the JPCA is designed to disrupt and cause division throughout Bexar
County, and
WHEREAS the implementation of the JPCA will be detrimental to businesses that
rely on the tourist trade in Bexar County, and
WHEREAS the implementation of the JPCA will be detrimental to small businesses
that cannot absorb losses caused by the theft of $750 in goods and services that may possibly
result in only a citation or verbal warning in Bexar County, and
WHEREAS the elimination of abortion enforcement is against State law and has never been prosecuted in San Antonio will also cause greater lawless behavior to be encouraged, therefore.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Bexar County is fully opposed and affirms that the
defeat of the Justice Charter Amendment be a priority for all Republicans in Bexar County to work
diligently to defeat the adoption of this Charter Amendment
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that an official copy of this resolution be prepared and transmitted to all
media contacts, posted on all RPBC social networks and have a press conference once the complete name of this resolution is determined to inform voters whether to vote for or against the verbiage used.
Date approved: 14 March 2023