Sources of Information for Non-Federal Candidates:
Appointment of your Treasurer https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/data/forms/coh/CTA_ins.pdf
Campaign Finance Guides and FAQs https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/resources/cf/
State Statutes for Candidates https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/EL/htm/EL.141.htm
Guides for Federal Candidates https://www.fec.gov/help-candidates-and-committees/guides/
Are you ready to serve? Do you have a history of community service and proven support for Republican principles? We urge you to consider running and we are willing to assist you.
Committing to running a well-organized campaign and adopting a winning strategy can be intimidating even if you have previously run. One key step is to get involved in the Bexar GOP, demonstrate proven leadership skills and begin to build a community of like-minded Republicans. Fellow Republicans can encourage you and help your campaign. Former candidates can also offer support and guidance. Whether you win our lose – running a campaign, building a coalition, and committing to the process can be a rewarding and life-changing experience.
During the Republican Primary, the Bexar GOP will not take sides in contested races and will offer support to all candidates in an equitable and fair manner. We encourage Republicans who support our principles to file — especially in races where there is currently no Republican running. If you win the Republican Primary, you become our nominee, and you’ll have our full support!