GOP Email Etiquette

Things you should do:

Consider your audience. Knowing who you intend to send the email to and consider how it will be received.

Remember that once it is on the internet, it’s forever. One error, or hastily written email can impact your reputation, be aware of what you write!

Remember that others can forward your message – choose your words wisely!

Remember that sometimes what you say is not what you mean. Typos, incorrect grammar, and general tone can provide a perspective that may not be what you intended to convey.

Be Kind – always.

Things you should not do:

DO NOT Use Slang. Well written communication is taken seriously and helps ensure the audience can follow the message being conveyed.

DO NOT Use Reply to All Liberally (BCC is a better choice, if necessary). Reply-to-all should be used for short, informative responses. Replying to all in chain emails leads to frustration for all recipients.

DO NOT Share Spam. Think twice before sending it to everyone on your distribution list.

DO NOT Write a hastily worded email. Ever hear the adage of counting to 10 before you say something? Emails should take at least a count of 20 (sleeping on it is even better)! Take time to consider your words. Just because it’s easy to do, doesn’t always mean it should be done (or said).