Deana Abiassi, Leigha Almendarez, Vanessa Alvarado, Jack Amerson, Cindy Lou Amerson, Susan Bayne, Kyle Bolch, Teresa Bollin, Aileen Boone, Richard Briscoe, Charlotte Canady, James Casey, Holly Chamness, Larry Chiaro, Gary Chick, Adrian Childers, YC Clouser, Jeffrey Cofsky, Kris Coons, Cheryl Creekmore, Alan Crowther, Robert Dillon, Dominick Dina, Betty Eckert, Becky Edler, Greg Edwards, Anna Maria Farias, Stanley Fisher, Jackie Fisher, Allen Frenzel, Manuel Garcia, Michelle Gonzales, Lille Gough, Mary Grilliette, Michael Grubb, Patty Gutting, Steve Gutting, Allen Hamilton, Kathleen Heath, Kenneth Hedges, Jennifer Hendrix, Guadalupe Hernandez, Brandon Herrera, Steven Jordan, Kay Katz, Beryl Kearns, Thomas Kirby, Jacqueline Klein, Marc LaHood, Nathaniel Lee, John Lujan, Gary Mansch, Mark Marek, Karen Marshall, Debra Martinez, Jeffrey McManus, Victor Mendoza, Kenneth Mireles, Lee Morris, Kendell Muenzler, Karen Murphy, Pamela Neuman, Emily Niño, Julia Norton-Keidel, Geraldine Peters, Russell Pierce, Mimi Planas, Christopher Prado, Diane Rath, Rosalinda Recktor, Randall Remaley, Terri Richardson, Mark Richter, Marc Rodriguez, Charles Rose, Irina Rudolph, Michael Samaniego, Virginia Shannon, Leslie Shively, Kyle Sinclair, Kathleen Smith, Lamar Smith, Susan Solcher, Misty Spears, James Stewart, Paula Sutton, Judy Tyrling, Kelley Vance, Denise Vandermark, David Velasquez, Mark Vojvodich, Patrick Von Dohlen, Jason West, David Westbrook, Doris Westbrook, Jordan White, William White, Deborah Winfrey


The Bexar County Executive Committee (CEC) is composed of the County Chair, Vice Chair and Precinct Chairs. The County Chair and Precinct Chairs are elected by popular vote at the Republican Primary Election held in March of each even-numbered year. Voters residing in each of the county’s voting precincts elect their respective Precinct Chairs. Officers are either elected or appointed according to CEC bylaws. Ex officio members of the CEC include the SREC members of the county’s SDs and appointed Party officers. In even number years, Senatorial District Conventions are held in Bexar County to elect Delegates to the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) state convention and to pass resolutions that may be included in RPT platform.

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The State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) is composed of the State Chair, Vice Chair, and one man and one woman from each of the 31 Texas Senatorial Districts (SDs). Delegates elect a State Chair, a State Vice-Chair, and the SREC at the RPT State Convention held in late spring of even-numbered years. Each SD elects a Committeeman and Committeewoman to represent their respective district. In Presidential election years, the RPT Convention also elects a National Committeeman and Committeewoman , Delegates to the Republican National Convention and Republican Electors for the Electoral College. Other officers are either elected or appointed, according to SREC bylaws. Ex officio members of the SREC include the National Committeeman and Committeewoman, Party officers and Auxiliary representatives. SREC members help organize and oversee Party activities in their respective SDs and make necessary party business decisions between conventions.

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The RNC is composed of all State Party Chairs plus one Committeeman and one Committeewoman from each State and U.S. Territory. RNC Officers are elected by the RNC membership. The Republican National Convention is held every four years and is responsible for selecting the Presidental candidate and other Party business. Texas Republicans elect their RNC Committeeman, Committeewoman and Republican National Convention delegates at the RPT Conventions held in presidential election years.

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