The Bexar GOP Store is Open

Our Store is Online

Our store is up and running! We have everything from T-shirts, to caps, to bling bling brooches and much more.

We also have Abbott signs! Pick up your sign for only $12. Your donation helps both Governor Abbott and your local Bexar County GOP.

Other candidate signs are also available at no charge. We can help determine which candidate signs are appropriate for where you live.

Please stop by from 10AM to 5PM at 10300 Heritage Blvd, 78216 to get your signs and merchandise.

The items in the RPBC Store can be obtained online by making a donation using Paypal. Click the link below. Once you see the page, items can be selected from the dropdown list and you can adjust the donation amount using the “Other” button. You can add size information in the same area where you include occupation and employer information.

Purchase Store Items on Paypal

Merchandise Available at Headquarters

DONATE to The Bexar County Republican Party, and receive free merchandise. Contact headquarters for information. (210) 824-9445

The items in the RPBC Store can be obtained online by making a donation using Paypal. Click the link below. Once you see the page, items can be selected from the dropdown list and you can adjust the donation amount using the “Other” button. You can add size information in the same area where you include occupation and employer information.

Purchase Store Items on Paypal

Caps -$30 donation

Pins/Buttons $20/$5 donation

Stickers $3/$1 donation

Flags/Banners $30 donation

T-Shirts-$20-$35 donation

Be The One



Republican Party of Bexar County

The Road to Victory November 8

Login Now

In an effort to set a general direction for what Precinct Chairs should expect of themselves, it falls into two areas that advances the Republican Party of Bexar County.

A GOP Data sheet, a summary of the 2020 results with projections, is provided for your Precinct. This is the basis of the contact goals set. In addition, each precinct has a goal of raising $100 from the precinct constituency annually. In order for us to flip Bexar County RED, we have got to get the Republican vote out and money in.

An interactive tabulating chart will be set up on our web site located via the “Precinct Chairs” button. Here you can enter the number of contacts you have made on behalf of a local candidate or the Republican Party of Bexar County. The chart will compare current and end results with those of 2020. We can observe actual efforts and ultimate success in getting more voters to the polls.

This is totally voluntary. Please log on with your password (to be provided shortly) to participate in an effort to bring more weak Republican, unaffiliated, and weak democrats to the polls and our Republican Party candidates across the finish line in November. OK, Precinct Chairs, let’s see who wants to win and who does the walk. There will be rewards and special recognition for those who:

  1. Make their goals
  2. Exceed their goals
  3. Greatest number of contacts
  4. Greatest single Precinct fundraising

Let the games begin and be the one.

There is always one winner. So be the One


What is a contact?

A contact is any effort or action specifically done for any reason but must be about candidates in Bexar County, Republican Party of Bexar County, and fundraising or collection of donations. May be as an individual effort or a precinct team effort.

What resources are available?

  1. A push card that spells out the top 10 reasons small businesses should support the Bexar GOP is being developed and then will be made available to Precinct Chairs and Candidates.
  2. New and improved GOP Data Base spreadsheets for your Precinct
  3. Financial support of pre-approved projects  
  4. Management Committee Members of your Precinct

How do we protect ourselves from gate crashers?

  1. We trust and respect each other, and guard our password closely
  2. Through transparency
  3. Embrace higher moral standards  
  4. We all know that locks only keep the honest people out

Visit the Reporting Page


Judge’s Jubilee

Please join RED LINE Conservative for Judge’s Jubilee Meet & Greet on Saturday September 24th, 2:30 to 5:30 at Broadway 50/50, located at The 5050 Broadway, Alamo Heights, TX 78209.

This November 8 we will take back our COUNTY and our COUNTRY! Judge’s Jubilee will be a casual mix
and mingle with your candidates where you can get to know these patriots 1on1 in a relaxed
environment. Hosted by Brandi Jo Newman, Lora Lane, Kara Volentine, Megan Hedges-Poole

Candidates that will be attending…
Jamie Mathis, County Court 10
Cathy Striker, 224th District Judge
Trish Deberry, County Judge
Charles Gold, County Court 13
Misty Spears, District Clerk
Ashley Foster, County Court 8
Lorina Rummel, 144th District Judge
Suzzanne Kramer, County Court 12
…and more to come!

Jamie Marroquin, Precinct Chair, stands up to NISD School Board.

Our Chairman, Jeff McManus, and several of the RPBC Precinct chairs, and 2 Republican Candidates attended last night’s NISD School Board meeting to demonstrate Republicans will not be silenced.

On the agenda was SEL curriculum, NISD school taxes, and the NISD budget.

In attendance were Jamie Marroquin, Jonathan Melendez, Vanessa Alvarado, Vera Billingsly , Shelly Grunden, Marilyn Martinez, and Mike O’Donnell.

Michael “Travis” Stevens, who is running for State Board of Education District 1, and Irina Rudolph, who is running for City Council District 6 also attended.

Vera Billingsly and Jamie Marroquin both spoke during “Citizens to be Heard”. Click this link to see Jamie’s speech.