Bexar GOP Chairman proposes cutting voting centers with low turnout in ‘San Antonio Report’


Chairman Jeff McManus has proposed cutting 10 additional voting center locations after the Bexar County Elections Department proposed cutting the number of voting centers from 300 to 258 for November.

“We don’t have we don’t have the volunteers and the bodies available, due to our electoral apathy, to man our polling stations appropriately in accordance to the statutes,” McManus said. “It’s a fairly non-discriminatory way of doing it. It’s just usage and cost.”

Click the link above to read the whole story.

CEC Meeting 8/16/2022

RPBC Executive Committee Meeting
Republican Party of Bexar County Executive Committee
SA Professional Firefighters Banquet Hall
8925 W Interstate 10, San Antonio, TX 78230
Meeting #3 – Tuesday, 16 August 2022
Registration 5:00
: Meeting Convenes 6:00 PM

I. Call to Order and Opening Ceremonies
II. Determination of a Quorum
III. Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Reading and Approval of Minutes
V. Voting in New Precinct Chairs for Vacant Precincts
VI. Open Floor for Candidate and Club communications
     a First speaker Sid Miller – 15 min
     b Red Wave – Janie Garza 2 min
     c Clubs – 1 min each
     d Candidates – 2 min each
VII. Unfinished (Old Business) Business – None
VIII. Acceptance of written Committee Reports – None
     a Reminder that Committee Reports will be due per the Bylaws beginning in September (in writing)
IX. Administrative and Campaign update:
     a Budget presented
     b Standing Committees
          i Precinct Organization Committee – Pending
          ii Candidate Recruitment and Appointment Committee – Pending
          iii Data Analytics Committee – Pending
          iv Bylaws and Rules Committee – Warrington Austerman
          v Community Outreach Committee – Pending
          vi Legal Counsel – Open
     c Special Committees
          i Financial Review Committee – open,
               1 See Bylaws for duties
          ii Records Review Committee – open
               1 See Bylaws for duties
          iii NEW Legislative Priorities Committee – open
               1 Duty will be to determine top 3 that RPBC will focus efforts

X. New Business
     a Resolutions: ALL Resolutions should be directed to the Chair and copied to the Secretary for recording purposes. If not submitted to the Chair they will not be brought forth. Resolutions are only submitted for the purpose of approving the essence of the Resolution. Following final determination if approved, the Communications Committee will review the Resolution for syntax and spelling. Then return to the author for final approval prior to publication. Publication shall be released as per the request of the author:
     i Placed on the web site
     ii A press release
     iii A blast mailing via Constant Comment
     Motions and resolutions presented in the order of time estimated needed for discussion and possible amendments
     iv. Amendment of Rules – In the future, we will be asking that any motion or resolution be submitted no less than 14 days prior to any CEC meeting. All CEC meetings will be posted on the website for reference for those wishing to submit a motion or resolution. Motions and resolutions must be submitted to the chairman and the secretary for review.
     v Resolutions
          1 Warrington Austerman
          2 Warrington Austerman
          3 Jonathan Melendez
          4 Randolph Macias
          5 Art Brown (Gonzales Resolution, Cornyn Resolution)
XI. Adjournment

When Will The Madness End?

Republican Party of Bexar County
August 9, 2022

When will the madness ever end? The fascist Democrats have proven once again that they are willing to go to any lengths to stop Republicans from winning in November, as well as stop Donald Trump from winning in 2024 should he choose to run. They are hell bent on the destruction of our Constitutional Republic. WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH. IT’S TIME FOR ACTION.

By weaponizing the FBI & DOJ in order to persecute President Trump in the most shameless fashion, they have shown us their intentions – prevent Republicans from winning at all costs, evidence be damned.

Bexar County Republicans stand by President Donald J. Trump as well as ALL our dedicated, qualified, and passionate candidates running in November (& beyond). These shenanigans will not deter ANY Republican from voting in November and taking back our Country. It will neither deter any American from voting for Donald J. Trump in 2024, again – if he so chooses to run.

No matter what they try, they will fail. We see clearly who the guilty party is for massive inflation, extremely high gas prices, and out of control grocery bills – and that party must be ousted in November. Sorry Democrats, but your smoke and mirrors no longer work, prepare to receive your pink slip soon.

Fellow Bexar County Republicans, I call on you today to do what you can, go the extra mile, and fight the good fight for our own Republicans right here in your backyard. Help us get Republicans elected by volunteering and spreading the word; let’s bring back a bit of sanity to our own out of touch County.

These Democrats are fanatics. They are the most dangerous humans throughout history no matter what flag they fly or what name they hide behind. They care not for the sanctity of human life, individual rights, national boundaries, religious freedom, or family unity. These are Godless people.

We are watching…We are working…The red wave is coming.

Jeffrey R. McManus
Republican Party Chairman of Bexar County

Get Tickets Now!


Get tickets HERE.

From Salem Media:/930AM The Answer:

After a little over a year of the Biden administration, it’s become evident just how important the 2022 midterm elections will be! There is only one way to slow the madness and that’s for the Republican party to retake the House and Senate. Join 930 AM The Answer for MIDTERMS: Why We Fight, Saturday, May 14th at TriPoint Event Center. You’ll hear from two nationally renowned talk show hosts who know all too well how important the upcoming November elections will be for our country. Larry Elder, The Sage From South Central and former White House Advisor to President Trump, Dr. Sebastian Gorka will be in the Alamo City to share their perspectives, enlighten listeners, and inspire conservatives as we head towards the 2022 midterm elections. It will be an evening 930 AM The Answer listeners won’t want to miss! Get your tickets now for MIDTERMS: Why We Fight, an evening with Larry Elder and Dr. Sebastian Gorka sponsored by Big State Financial.

Before you send in your mail ballot understand what the new law requires

If you are one of our mail ballot voters, you may have received your ballot for the election May 7.  Shortly you will also receive a ballot for the Republican Primary Run-Off election if you requested annual ballots for all elections.

Here are steps to follow before you return your marked ballot to the Bexar County Elections Department.

Once you have marked your mail ballot and sealed it in the white secrecy envelope and are ready to put it into the carrier-envelope to return it, please be sure you have followed all the instructions to ensure your ballot conforms to the new requirements of Texas Law.

STOP… before you seal the envelope and sign it.

Double-check to make sure you have added the additional information required by the new law passed by the State Legislature last year.  ON THE REVERSE OF THE CARRIER-ENVELOPE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING:

  1. In the middle of the carrier (return) envelope on the backside under the flap, you will see TWO  lines that ask you to provide information. The first line includes a space where you will add your driver’s license or Texas personal ID number; the next space is where you provide the last four digits of your social security number. The second line includes a space where you can provide us with your telephone number and your email address, so if we have any questions, we can get in touch with you.
  2. Please do not skip this step. If you do not provide either your driver’s license/ID number or the last four digits of your social security number to match the number you used when you registered to vote, we will be unable to process your ballot so your vote can be counted. I recommend that you put both numbers to improve the odds of success.
  3.  Next, look at the large envelope flap, and you will see two glue strips to seal the mail ballot carrier envelope. If you look carefully, you will see that the two places seal on top and below where you just placed your information.
  4. If you have added the information required, then seal the envelope in two places and sign it.
  5.  Add your stamp and return it to the Bexar County Elections Department.
  6. If you do not provide your driver’s license/ID number or the last four digits of your social security number whichever matches the information on file, your ballot cannot be accepted and you may be notified by mail or phone how to provide the information needed to complete processing of your mail ballot.
  7. If you follow your ballot processing in the Secretary of State online tracker, you can provide the missing required information online or you can come in person to the Bexar County Elections Department at 1103 S. Frio Street,  to file a correction form within the allotted time.  Deadline is 5:00 p.m. on the 6th day after election day (May 13 for the Saturday, May 7 election and May 31 for the May 24 primary runoff election).
  8. Mail Ballots may only be delivered on Election Day between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. and only at the Bexar County Elections Department.  Only THE VOTER, with a photo ID, may hand-deliver their own ballot.

Otherwise, they must be returned by mail or by common or contact carrier (i.e. UPS or  FEDEX).

Carol Van De Walle is the Republican Election Judge for Mail-In Ballots (Early Voting Ballot Board)