Republican Party of Bexar County passes resolution regarding City of San Antonio Housing of Illegal Aliens

October 18, 2022
For additional information:
Jeff McManus:
(210) 824-9445

The County Executive Committee (CEC) of the Republican Party of Bexar County passed a resolution at its meeting Tuesday, October 18th, requesting that the City of San Antonio end its lease of the “Migrant Resource Center” which is temporarily housing, and feeding illegal aliens then dumping them out into the streets of San Antonio. The motion read:

“We, the Republican Party of Bexar County, request that the City of San Antonio end the lease agreement on the “Migrant Resource Center” and no longer allow our city to be used as an illegal alien transit hub for the Biden Administration to distribute illegal immigrants into the interior of our country, as this process creates a danger to the residents of Bexar County and their property.”

The illegal alien transit hub resides in District 1 which is Councilman Mario Bravo’s district, and the building is currently owned by KEM Texas LTD. Principal owners are Paul and Kevin Covey. The City of San Antonio approved a 10-year lease between San Antonio and KEM Texas for a base rate $81,819 per month with an estimated additional rent of $31,063 all paid to KEM Texas. The motion to lease the facility was made by Councilman Rocha Garcia and seconded by Councilman Castillo. This lease has obligated the taxpayers for expenses for a period of 10 years whether used or vacant.

Members of the CEC for the Republican Party of Bexar County stated concerns for property damage, lawlessness, additional homelessness, health due to human waste, safety, and costs as reasons for the resolution.

“We have a duty to all residents of San Antonio to educate our voters in what actions are taken by elected officials, encourage fiscal responsibility, and warn the citizens of how their elected officials ignore the need to provide absolute safety,” stated Jeff McManus, chairman of the RPBC. “The illegal alien problems are a direct result of the Biden administration’s open-door policies. There is no dignity in creating such chaos.”


Press Releases


Arrest of Raquel Rodriguez for Voter Fraud Charges


Republican Party of Bexar County

January 14, 2021

Arrest of Raquel Rodriguez for Voter Fraud charges

The Republican Party of Bexar County applauds the arrest of local resident, Raquel Rodriguez, yesterday under charges of voter fraud and supports the efforts to investigate and end voter fraud in Bexar County.

(San Antonio, Texas/Bexar County-January 14, 2021) Campaign worker and paid political consultant, Raquel Rodriguez of Bexar, County, was arrested by the State of Texas after an undercover video exposed her participation in a scheme to defraud official ballots and harvest votes, and illegally influence senior voters. Rodriguez is self-described as a “ballot chaser” and admitted on video released by Project Veritas to ballot harvesting and ‘getting the vote out for Biden’.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Wednesday by press release,” the arrest of Rachel Rodriguez for election fraud, illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail, and unlawfully possessing an official ballot,” and continued by stating, each charge constitutes a felony under the Texas Election Code.”

According to the release, The Election Fraud Division of the Office of the Attorney General reviewed dozens of hours of unedited, raw footage released by Project Veritas in October which led to the arrest. Rodriguez acknowledged on video that what she was doing is illegal and that she could go to jail for it. Rodriguez could face up to 20 years in prison, if convicted.

“Many continue to claim that there’s no such thing as election fraud. We’ve always known that such a claim is false and misleading, and today we have additional hard evidence. This is a victory for election integrity and a strong signal that anyone who attempts to defraud the people of Texas, deprive them of their vote, or undermine the integrity of elections will be brought to justice,” said Attorney General Paxton. “The shocking and blatantly illegal action documented by Project Veritas demonstrates a form of election fraud my office continually investigates and prosecutes. I am fiercely committed to ensuring the voting process is secure and fair throughout the state, and my office is prepared to assist any Texas county in combating this insidious, un-American form of fraud.”

“Our party has fought hard to ensure the integrity of each and every legal vote in Bexar County and we await the results of any further investigation and for justice to be served,” stated John Austin, Chairman of the Republican Party of Bexar County (RPBC), “we stand for fair and accurate elections and applaud any and all efforts to end voter fraud and irregularities and will work tirelessly to assure that every voter has access to a fair and free election without fraud or intimidation.” Austin stated that the local party believes there is more information that will surface and others may be implicated in this fraud scheme and we look forward to all fraud being exposed and all persons facing justice Austin continued, stating, “A free and fair election is vital to the health of our Republic and to the rule of one person, one vote.”

During the 2020 Presidential election, the RPBC trained and coordinated hundreds of poll watchers and dispatched them to polling locations all over the county to ensure that voting was fair, safe and legally conducted according to the Texas Election code and the Bexar County elections office. Austin stated, “We have been concerned about voting irregularities for some time and we are working tirelessly to ensure that voting in our jurisdiction is conducted according to the Election code and followed meticulously.” He continued to say that voting is a right for all legal citizens and should never be infringed and that the county, state and national Republican party is committed to protecting the integrity of the vote and the rights of the voter. “The Republican party has always stood for the rights of the voter as our party history reflects and we always will. We are the party of voting integrity.”

The purpose of the Republican Party of Bexar County is the election and support of the Republican candidates and officials in Bexar, County and the promotion of the principles of the Republican Party.

John Austin,

Chairman, Republican Party of Texas


Deana Abiassi

Volunteer, Communications chair

(210) 385-1715

Republican Party of Bexar County joins Governor Abbott’s call to investigate Freeman Coliseum requesting a walk-through with Republican officials and imploring the Biden Administration to secure the border.

12000 Starcrest Drive, Suite #101, San Antonio, Texas 78247 

(210) 824-9445

For Immediate Release: 

San Antonio, Texas, April 15, 2021: The Republican Party of Bexar (RPBC) joins the voices across the state to raise the alarm over the catastrophe taking place along the border, throughout south Texas and right here in our own county. We are calling for a full investigation and a walk-through of the facility with full access to the officials in charge alongside Republican elected officials.  We reject the politicization of this humanitarian and security crisis. We support the Texas Department of Public Safety’s investigation into the alleged abuses here in our own Freeman Coliseum. We unequivocally call for the Biden Administration to shut down the facility at Freeman Coliseum to protect the safety of the unaccompanied minors, and we implore the President and Congress swiftly address the securing of our national border to mitigate the ongoing and unprecedented humanitarian crisis that is taking place there.

What is happening right now at our nation’s southern border is both a travesty of justice and a humanitarian tragedy beyond all comprehension. While politicians in Washington debate the use of the word “crisis” to describe the ongoing situation, Texans understand that what is happening now has risen to the unprecedented level of human tragedy bringing safety and public health concerns. In March of this year alone, more than 171,000 illegal immigrants were encountered at our southwest border. This number represents a more than 400% increase over this time last year. This is the highest monthly total seen in 21 years, and, these were only the people encountered. Countless more stream across every single day, threatening the peace and the property of citizens and draining local law enforcement resources—putting the lives of Texans in jeopardy every day. This catastrophe has already spread away from the border, with “bailouts, high-speed car chases, and property crime on the rise throughout small communities surrounding San Antonio and south Texas.

Specifically troubling are reports of abuse and neglect within the Freeman Coliseum federal holding facility that have thrust San Antonio into the national spotlight. The Coliseum is just one of several “temporary” shelters run by federal officials where unaccompanied children are being thrown together by the thousands across the state, often with inadequate supervision and resources. Allegations of child abuse, lack of food, and the failure to separate Covid-positive children have all been reported to both the Texas Health & Human Services Commission and the Department of Family and Protective Services. These allegations are currently under investigation by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Yet, in a despicable effort to politicize children for their own gain, some politicians and people within our own county have called this “fake news”; therefore, increasing the need for a complete walk-through and investigation.

As the fourth largest county in Texas and 17th largest in the nation, Bexar County has long been known as a hub of diversity, tradition, and innovation. In our communities, multiple cultures have lived, worked, and worshiped side by side for centuries. We come together as one with pride in being Military City, USA, and with pride in being Americans. It is for this very reason that so many in Bexar County are outraged in the abject failure of the Biden Administration’s border policy, and Congress’ flagrant disregard of our national security and our laws.

This is beyond a partisan issue. Therefore, I support Governor Abbott in conducting a full and transparent investigation. For the reasons stated above, I am calling for a walkthrough and conference with Republican elected officials at the Freeman Coliseum with the officials in charge of the Freeman Coliseum.

For additional comments, please contact John Austin, Chairman, Republican Party of Bexar County John Austin, (210) 824-9445 –
